- 郁结 pent-up
- 开郁结 relieving stagnation
- 郁结血崩 metrorrhagia with liver stagnation
- 肝气郁结 liver-Qi depression
- 火郁结滞 stagnation of fire
- 七情郁结 seven modes of emotions stagnation
- 脾气郁结 stagnation of spleen-QI
- 痰气郁结型 type of stagnation of phlegm and QI
- 肝气郁结证 stagnation of Liver-Qi syndrome
- 气郁结不孕 sterility with hepatic qi stagnation
- 痰火郁结中焦 stagnation of phlegm-fire in middle-JIAO
- 郁结不能下泄 stagnation of pathogen failing to purge down
- 气血郁结胞睑 stagnancy of QI-blood within eyelid
- 热毒郁结白睛 stagnation of noxious heat in the sclera
- 肝气郁结/代谢 Stagnation of the liver-qi/metabolism
- 他心里郁结着怒火。 Anger simmered inside him.
- 热毒火邪郁结白睛 stagnation of noxious heat and pathogenic fire in the sclera
- 郁结性多发性骨髓瘤 smouldering multiple myeloma
- 肝气郁结间杂温热证 liver Qi pent- up concomitant with damp -heat
- 肝气郁结/针灸疗法 Liver-qi Depression/acup-mox ther